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The Rationale and Development of Skill Modules in the New Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools and Challenges in Textbook Transformation
作者 李懿芳胡茹萍田振榮
技能領域課程為技術型高級中等學校十二年國民基本教育課程綱要的 重要變革,目的在培育學生跨科之共通基礎技術能力,以期提升技職 教育體系學生實作技能。本研究旨在探究技能領域的理念與理論基 礎、發展模式與歷程,以及從課綱轉化為教科書過程中遇到的挑戰與 因應之道,以期瞭解技能領域課綱理念之轉化歷程與實踐。研究方法 以文件分析法為主,並深度訪談8 位教科書編輯人員以瞭解教科書編 輯實務的困境。研究主要發現有五:一、技能領域以跨科實務技能為 基礎,契合技職教育務實致用的目標;二、以職能本位發展技能領域 內容符應主流的技能訓練發展模式;三、技能領域課程發展尊重各群 之殊異性,惟期能儘速檢討群科歸屬之適切性;四、建立課程發展利 害關係人間之溝通機制,協助課綱順利轉化;五、持續關注技能領域 課程理想在教科書研發及教學現場實踐的差距。
The development of a skill module is a notable reform for vocational high schools in the curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education. The module focuses on basic and multidisciplinary skills with the purpose of improving hands-on skills for students in technical and vocational education (TVE). The purpose of this study was to explore the rationale and theory for the skill module, its development model and process, the challenges of and solutions for transforming rationale into textbooks. The data was collected and analyzed via document analysis and semi-structure interviews with eight senior textbook editors. The main findings are as follows: 1. the rationale of skill module fitted in the pragmatic and practical goals for TVE; 2. the use of a competency-based approach to generate skill modules that correspond to mainstream skill training; 3. the development respected the diversity of professional clusters, while the process revealed the problem of belonging among clusters showing the need to reexamine classification; 4. setting up a regular communication channel for curriculum stakeholders is necessary to facilitate curriculum transformation; 5. continuing to monitor the gaps between the ideal of skill module and its practice in textbook development and teachings in schools.
起訖頁 069-100
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要技能領域課程課程轉化curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic educationskill module curriculumcurriculum transformation
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201712 (10:3期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 從課程校準觀點探討新加坡科技教科書對我國生活科技教科書的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒園教保活動課程大綱的實踐──一位輔導訪視人員的觀察




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