英文摘要 |
The recent development of Taiwan Pension Reform has primarily targeted the issues of intergenerational equity. This paper focuses on the empirical analysis of equity within the civil servants, old-age income system, and conducts comparisons for four generations of cohorts whose service years started in1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 respectively. This study shows that multipliers of benefits to contribution vary across generations, ranging from 11 to 38; the earlier into the system, the higher the multiplier. Internal rates of return, which are derived intherangeof11.0%to 23.3%, display a similar pattern, which is the earlier into the system, the higher the IRR. These findings pinpoint the controversial issues back to the 1995 reform which was biased in favor of those who entered the public sector prior to 1995 and accordingly deteriorated the system’s financial strength. In summary, though the young generation pays more into the system, the benefits received among different cohorts all reflect a high level in terms of the replacement rate and dollar amount. This phenomenon corresponds to the fixed replacement rate theory by Musgrave (1986). In addition to presentation of the current system, this paper also conducts analysis of IRR and multipliers based on the reform draft concluded from the Pension Reform National Symposium of 2016. The degree of impact on the old-age security of civil servants by generation is estimated and presented. |