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Beyond Postmodern:The Development of Taiwanese Prose in 1990s
作者 吳孟昌
Taiwanese prose in the 1990s is often dubbed “post-modern” by literary historians, a term more apt to describe what is ingrained in Taiwanese fiction and poetry in the late 20th century. Even though historically prose in Taiwan has sidestepped most literary and political debates, its development has, in my opinion, been closely related to socio-political changes and should be investigated in such context. Following M. Bakhtin's concept of discourse, this article holds that prose became heteroglossiac in response to the cultural-political trend of democratization in the 1990s. The so-called “pure” prose, which was endorsed by the government, now gave way to writings of widely different subjects and styles. The new, centrifugal motions reversed the poetic, hermetic, and individualistic tendencies and prose thus became truly “prosaic”, able to engage in social dialogue at all levels. The article observes the new development in three aspects: the multiplication of types of writing, the expansion of genre definition, and the fading of high-literary style. We see the change set forth in the 1980s, becoming general in the 90s, and henceforth prose writers, free from conventional restraints, were able to write with specific concerns, and in languages of unprecedented immediacy, actively responding to a multi-voiced society liberated from martial-law governing.
起訖頁 191-217
關鍵詞 後現代散文九○年代話語巴赫金postmodernprosethe 1990sdiscourseBakhtin
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201606 (27期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 零雨〈特技家族〉詩作的荒謬劇場性--與商禽〈門或者天空〉、村野四郎《體操詩集》的比較討論
該期刊-下一篇 在路上,我寫作--從陳玉慧日記體散文與小說的互文探索女作家的自我凝視與寫作辯證




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