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A Comparison of the Earliest Modern Romantic Novels in Korea and Taiwan: “Mujeong” and “Where is She going?”
作者 黃善美
韓國與台灣在打破舊風俗與舊制度上,最廣受爭議與激烈爭論的「議題」是結婚與性問題,而其中的核心關鍵則是自由戀愛。1917 年李光洙於《每日申報》上發表的〈無情〉是以自由戀愛為主題的,亦為韓國文學上最早的近代長篇小說。1910 年代,李光洙是最積極地將自由戀愛和結婚的意識及制度融入到韓國知識份子的思想中。〈她要往何處去〉是謝春木的作品,1922 年在《台灣》第 3 年第 4 號至 7 號上刊載。〈她要往何處去〉也是以自由戀愛為主題的台灣新文學史上可資紀念的第一篇創作。〈無情〉和〈她要往何處去〉都描寫了 1910~20 年代知識份子和傳統女子之間錯綜複雜的感情糾葛。在殖民時期這樣特殊的狀況下,李光洙和謝春木為了打破封建社會制度與舊習,完成近代文明啟蒙,他們將近代制度的「戀愛」,當成啟蒙活動的一環且賦予「自由戀愛」社會性的意義。本文以「自由戀愛」為主題,關注李光洙的〈無情〉和謝春木的〈她要往何處去〉的作品。探討李光洙〈無情〉與謝春木〈她要往何處去〉是如何地刻畫戀愛,以及比較他們所接受的戀愛觀等為目的,將更能理解近代時期韓國與台灣在自由戀愛論的形成。
In the early 20th century, when old customs and institutions were considered to be ‘abolished’, marriage and sex were topics of the fiercest controversy, with free love being the central issue. The Koran novel “Mujeong” by Yi Kwang-su, published in 1917 in the newspaper Maeil Shino, was the first full-length modern romantic novel dealing with the theme of free love. Yi Kwang-su was the most ardent writer supporting the revolution of the custom and institution regarding free love and marriage in Chosun, the Korea, in the 1910s. On the other hand, Xie Chun-mu's “Where is She Going?” released in a magazine called Taiwan in 1922, is the first Taiwanese novel tackling free love issue.Both “Mujeong” and “Where is She Going?” describe complexities of free love between male intellectuals and traditional young women in respectively countries in 1910-20s. Both writers wrote in societies in colonized periods, taking free love as an initiation to enlightenment against feudal institutions and culture. This article compares the depictions of romance in “Mujeong” and “Where is She Going?” to elucidate both writers' viewpoints regarding free love. I believe such a comparative study is meaningful; it contributes to our understanding of how the free love discourse came into being in modern Korea and Taiwan.
起訖頁 85-101
關鍵詞 〈無情〉〈她要往何處去〉李光洙謝春木自由戀愛“Mujeong”“Where is She going?” Yi Kwang-suXie Chun-mufree love
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201606 (27期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 近體與抒情--論毛本《三國》的主要贊體形式及其修辭性
該期刊-下一篇 楊樹達文字訓詁商榷




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