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“Pathos of the Long Song” and the Narrative Mode: A Study of the Narrative Poem's Inheritance and Innovation in the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 林香伶
The late Qing Dynasty is an era that sees a tremendous change as never before in the history of 3000 years in China, and not the least of it is the transition from the classical to the modern in the area of poetry. The narrative poem in the late Qing Dynasty, uttering the deepest lamentation for the suffering of its time, fully reflects its social situation, and is thus in every bit worthy of the title of epic. The new way of writing in this genre and its artistry compel serious study.Noticeably, writers of these narrative poems favor grand background (great wars and calamities of pivotal consequence). The length of the poem is also unprecedented in the history of Chinese poetry. This study traces the tradition of the long song of the Music Bureau to explain why the length and the pathetic quality are necessary elements to the new epic in the late Qing Dynasty. It leads to stylistic and genre analysis. The study also includes detailed scrutiny of five exemplary poems in terms of Western narratology in the hope of providing a new method of reading classical Chinese poetry, as well as a dialogue between Chinese narrative poetry and theory of western narratology.
起訖頁 139-175
關鍵詞 晚清敘事詩敘事模式歷史記憶詩史長歌Late Qingepicthe mode of narrationhistory memory.shishilong verses
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王船山「時中」的重取客觀面向--試論「時中」與「中庸」、「中和」之差異
該期刊-下一篇 萬曆年間曹學佺在金陵詩社的活動與意義




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