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Regaining Objectivity and Wang Chuan- Shan's Idea'Shi Zhong': On the Difference between 'Shi Zhong', 'the Doctrine of the Mean' and ' Zhong He'
作者 施盈佑
As one of the most important scholars during the late Ming and the early Qing dynasties, Wang Chuan-shan has attracted continuous attention because of his great thoughts. Scholarship on Wang abounds, but this author finds that Wang's idea 'Shi Zhong,' with its special intents and purposes, has never been fully discussed. For this reason, this paper investigates the idea 'Shi Zhong' in contrast to those of 'the doctrine of the mean' and ' Zhong He,' and reveals the inherent concern about objectivity. In Wang's thought, regaining objectivity also involves direct confrontation with dilemma and predicament, as well as undertaking a return to human history. The study concludes that Wang's inheritance of the Confucian 'Zhong Dao' surely contains the thoughts of 'the doctrine of the mean', ' Zhong He,' and 'Shi Zhong,' but 'Shi Zhong' in particular contains the idea of regaining objectivity, which accords more generally with Quan Shan's thought in its entirety.
起訖頁 113-138
關鍵詞 王船山中和中道中庸客觀時中objectivity'Shi Zhong''the doctrine of the mean'Wang Chuan-shan'Zhong Dao'' Zhong He'
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《左傳》因果式敘事與以史傳經--以戰爭之敘事為例
該期刊-下一篇 沿襲與新創:論晚清敘事詩長歌當哭現象及其敘事模式




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