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Probing Hard-to-Crack Words in the Book of Ode (2)
作者 呂珍玉
Following “Probing Hard-to-Crack Words in the Book of Ode (1),” this study continues the same job by explicating another 10 difficult items, including “who says that birds are hornless,” from the Book of Ode. The author sets forth a wide research on the long tradition of philological scholarship of the Book of Ode, carefully evaluating explanatory notes and commentaries by authoritative commentators from different historical periods. The practice tackles the form and pronunciation of the scripts, the variation of word configuration and compound construction, analyzing syntax, the polysemy of monosyllabic words, tracking the change of pronunciation of universal words, and figuring out the distinction between lexemes and function words. The article also deals with problems regarding traditional and modern biological naming and that of man-made things, pondering on literary issues such as whether writing is based upon affection or observation and how affection leads to image and meaning in turn. All these deliberations intend to provide a reading close to the original meanings in this classical text.
起訖頁 27-78
關鍵詞 詩經字詞訓詁詞典he Book of Odewordsphilological studydictionary
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 韓國朝鮮李氏王朝(1392-1910)《易》學研究
該期刊-下一篇 《左傳》因果式敘事與以史傳經--以戰爭之敘事為例




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