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The Study of The Yi-jingin the Joseon Li-Dynasty(1392-1910)in Korea
作者 賴貴三
筆者自 2007 至 2009 年籌創國立臺灣師範大學國際漢學研究所,因緣接觸日、韓漢學者,遂開始關注兩國學者對於《易》學研究的文獻與成果,積蓄了基本的材料。自 2011 年 9 月至 2012 年 8 月,客座講學於首爾「韓國外國語大學校中國學部」,得與韓國漢學者認識交流,並參觀成均館大學校「尊經閣」、首爾國立大學「奎章閣」與安東「韓國國學振興院」等重要典藏機構。此外,透過學習韓國語文與閱讀相關書籍,逐漸瞭解韓國歷史文化與宋明理學思想的發展脈絡。因此,本文以成均館大學校「大東文化研究院」於1996 年複印原典出版之《韓國經學資料集成》第七、八輯《易經》,總 37大冊為研究文本,此套集成搜羅現存朝鮮李氏王朝(1392-1910)儒者對於《周易》研究的傳世成果,筆者欲藉以奠定深入探討的基礎,復與京畿道翰林大學泰東研究所嚴連錫教授商論後,將此 37 冊《易》學論述,依其性質概分為三類,以利檢索:一、朱子《易》學類;二、義理《易》學類;三、象數《易》學類。要之,本文主要探討朝鮮李氏王朝《易》學的淵源流傳,並進行整體的文獻分類,也詳細介紹現今中、韓《易》學學術交流情形,既能使學界瞭解韓國歷代《易》學研究發展的史略,同時也指引學者未來研究的途徑,具有相當的學術意義與貢獻。
From 2007 to 2009, in order to establish Graduate Institute of International Sinology in National Taiwan Normal University, I contacted with many Japanese and Korean scholars who studied Confucianism. During the time, I collected a great deal of research materials regarding Japanese and Korean studies of Confucianism. According to the chance, I became particularly interested in the condition of the research of TheYi-jing among Japanese and Korean scholars. From 2011.9 to 2012.8, I held a visiting professorship in the Department of Chinese, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies(HUFS). I therefore had the honor of making friends with Korean scholars, visiting important academic institutions such as Zunjing-Gak in Chengjunguan University and Gueizhang-Gak in Seoul National University. At the same time, I also picked up some Korean language in HUFS, and got acquainted with Korean history and culture, which, as I gradually realized, were closely connected with Chinese Confucianism of the Song and the Ming Dynasties. Having been aware of the interconnected development in Classical Chinese and Korean culture, I therefore set forth a research on the Korean Yi-jing studies in Joseon Li-Dynasty (1392-1910). This paper deals with the Yi-jing section from Collections of Korean Classics, which was published in 1996 by Datung Cultural Institute in Chengjunguan University. The Yi-jing collection, 37 volumes in total, represents comprehensively the achievement of Korean Confucian studies over a long period ( the whole Joseon Li-Dynasty). After discussions with Professor Yen Lian-xik, I divide the whole collection into three parts: Yixue of Zhu-xi, Xiangshu and Yili. In addition to the introduction and classification of the Korean classical studies of TheYi-jing, this paper also provides a picture of contemporary scholarly exchange of the Yi-jing studies between Korea and Taiwan. I hope the undertakings can contribute to a better understanding of Korean scholarship and, more specifically, to our research on TheYi-jing in the future.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 朝鮮李朝韓國《易》學《韓國經學資料集成》朱子學Joseon Li-DynastyYi-jing Studies in KoreaThe Collections of Korean ClassicsConfucianism of Zhu-xi
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 《詩經》疑難詞語辨析(2)




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