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Fading of the indigenous in modernization ─ Vanishing times in women's writing of Taiwanese folk opera
作者 楊翠
Taiwan was a time of uncertainty and cultural heteroglossia from 1970s to 1990s. The transition from traditionality to modernity was a process of conflict, rise and fall, replacement and hybridization of these two forces. A certain sense of the indigenous (or the traditional ) quickly disappeared . Feeling nostalgic in the current of westernization, intellectuals tried to summon back the local spirit by different means, one of which was Taiwanese Folk Opera. Chen Ruo-xi's “The Last Evening Show” clearly witnessed this nostalgia and effort. As the title suggested, it described the doom of an irretrievable lose of certain tradition, like the last evening show. In 1990, Ling Yan's The Thrush that Lost Her Voice turned to a native art form, the Taiwanese Folk Opera, to summon a Taiwanese spirit of homeland.Since 1970's, many traditional Taiwanese arts were abandoned, taken over by popular, vulgar, and instrumental culture. Women's body, under the same mass cultural manipulation, became the object of male gaze and desire. “The Last Evening Show” foretold that “the stage” was to be wasted, and The Thrush that Lost Her Voice captured the spirit of the vanishing era in its own way. “The stage”was a closed but mobile space, turning out, one after another, phantoms of the changing Taiwan, continuously playing the shows of duplicated desire for sex and materials.
起訖頁 253-282
關鍵詞 現在性傳統鄉土歌仔戲台灣在場modernitytraditionthe indigenous(xiang-tu)Taiwanese folk operapresence of Taiwan
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200807 (20期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 閱讀女性˙女性閱讀--沈善寶《名媛詩話》的女性建構




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