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Benlai as a Relative Past Marker-- Contrastive Semantics, Anchor Time and Discontinuity Reading
作者 吳俊雄郭怡君 (Ye-Chun Kuo)
Benlai can function as an adverbial and as an adjective. As an adverbial, it sometimes has a discontinuity reading while at other times it does not. As an adjective, benlai exhibits the same semantic behavior. We argue that benlai shows contrast depending on whether a proposition holds at different times; it provides an extra time located in the past of the argument time (a time taken as an argument by a verb, which is by default instantiated to the time of utterance), and specifies that the proposition it introduces holds at the extra time. When the context indicates that a proposition benlai presents holds only at a latter time, not at an earlier time, benlai indicates that this proposition also holds at the argument time because the contrast requirement has been contextually satisfied. When the context does not rovide any contrastive information, benlai then indicates that the proposition does not hold at the argument time, and the sentence thus receives a discontinuity reading. We also argue that the fact benlai shows contrast on different elements inside a VP comes from the interaction of negation and different focused elements and hence is not part of the semantics of benlai. As for adjectival benlai, following the argument that nouns also take a time argument, we argue that, in Mandarin, some nouns have a temporal constraint, ruling out the possibility for these nouns to refer to a change from “being a property” to “not being a property”, while other nouns do not have this kind of constraint. When benlai modifies nouns of the former type, no discontinuity reading can be derived because of the temporal constraint; when benlai modifies nouns of the latter type, a discontinuity reading is derived. We furthermore propose that benlai serves as a relative past marker, because it asserts a time located in the past of another time, which a verb takes as an argument in its semantics, and indicates that whatever benlai modifies holds at the extra time.
起訖頁 351-389
關鍵詞 本來相對過去標記對比語義學漢語benlairelative past markercontrastsemanticsMandarin Chinese
刊名 語言暨語言學  
期數 201204 (13:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院語言學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 「沒有」、「不是」引領之對話言句所承載之語用與娛樂功能--以台灣一訪談性綜藝節目為例




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