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Joseon Confucians’ “Chinese Identity”: A New Interpretation
作者 姜智恩
In the early twentieth century, when the nation’s existence was in peril, Korean intellectuals worked to strengthen national identity, and Joseon Confucian scholars came under special attack for regarding Chinese identity as an honor. Intellectuals charged that Joseon Confucian scholars possessed only a weak sense of national identity. Critics claimed that their inappropriate Chinese identification weakened national coherence and brought about the fall of the nation. However, through my analysis of Joseon Confucians’ statements about inheriting Chinese culture, I have determined that Joseon Confucians’ Chinese identification was not conflict with their Korean national identity. Based on Joseon Confucians’ own ideas, Joseon was basically considered to be within the “All-under-Heaven” (Tianxia) world with China at the center, and Joseon Confucians could be proud of themselves after they internalized Chinese culture and took on the task of continuing the Daotong. I illustrate that integration with the cultural and racial examples of Jizi and Tanjun. However, ultimately Tianxia thought was replaced by the ideal of the sovereign nation under the influence of modern nationalism by the colonial era.
起訖頁 31-60
關鍵詞 中華認同朝鮮儒學天下思想民族主義國家主義Chinese identityJoseon ConfucianismTianxia thoughtnationalism
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201706 (96期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 學者外交官:義大利人羅斯在中國,1908-1948
該期刊-下一篇 公共痰盂的誕生:香港的反吐痰爭議與華人社群的回應




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