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The Implementation Path Design of Flipped Class under the Deep Learning Sight Explanation
作者 李洪修李哨兵
Compared to the surface learning, deep-learning is a learning strategy of multi-step analysis process which exhibited the high cognitive level. As a new teaching mode called learning first and guiding secondly, the flipped class needs to combine with deep learning philosophy to organically integrated and critically comprehended the learning contents. According to the form of learning, the flipped class could run up to the connection and transfer of knowledge, furthermore, the learning could be approach the core from the periphery. Under the flipped class scope, the deep learning required a linkage between guidance and self-study, the reconstruction of cognitive structure, the transfer and creation of knowledge, multiple assessment and introspective consciousness. This article analyzed and designed a deep learning mode termed to COOC to support the effective implementation of the flipped class, and explored the teaching path from three different stages which contains the connection, internalization and extension of knowledge, in this way, deep learning be truly energized and will promote students' higher order thinking skills.
起訖頁 067-072
關鍵詞 深度学习翻转课堂实施路径Deep LearningFlipped ClassImplementation Path
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201707 (366期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 创造取向的翻转课堂教学样式:理论与实践的桥梁
該期刊-下一篇 基于移动学习的翻转课堂培训新模式的研究与实践




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