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人類發展與家庭學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Research on the History of National Taiwan Normal University's Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten (1959-2002)
作者 林育瑋
私立國立臺灣師範大學附設實驗幼稚園,乃是國立臺灣師範大學家政教 育學系附設實習托兒所與師大婦聯分會附設幼稚園合併而成。兼具實驗與研 究角色的師大附幼從 1959 年至 2002 年間歷經社會的變遷、政治的更迷、幼 教多元化的發展下是如何地生存與發展?又有哪些因素影響了師大附幼發展 的歷程?曾擔任師大附幼園長的研究者思索著:如何傳承師大附幼原有的優 良文化,進而推動老師們的專業成長、追求卓越?本研究旨在:瞭解師大附 幼最初設立目的及發展過程﹔並探討師大附幼成立以來園所制度、課程的演 變及發展﹔及影響師大附幼發展的因素。本研究透過資料蒐集、文件分析及訪談的方式,來探討師大附幼之發展 歷程。師大附幼於 1980 年合併至今歷經許多的「變」與「不變」:在教學上, 從啟發式教學、萌發式教學到方案教學﹔在行政上有行政人員編制之異動調 整、園長的異動﹔儘管有著許多的改變,但廿多年來師大附幼班級數與幼兒 的人數未有太大的差異﹔空間雖因有不同的規劃而有所調整,但硬體上並無 太大改變。影響師大附幼發展的因素,包含:大環境(台灣經濟的轉型、社會 型態的變遷)、教育政策制度(幼兒教育相關法規、幼兒教育受重視)、師大附 幼的定位、老師的態度與園長的理念…等。
National Taiwan Normal University’s Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten, which is private, is the combination of affiliated experimental nursery school in the department of Home Economics, NTNU, with affiliated kindergarten of women’s Association, NTNU in 1980. The missions of this kindergarten are teaching experiment and research.The purposes of this research are analyzing the changes and developments of the environment and modules, understanding kindergarten school system and curriculum reform, and exploring the factors which impacted kindergarten’s development. Hoping through the historical evidences can help us understand how powerful and meaningful role NTNU Affiliated experimental kindergarten play in the history of early childhood education in Taiwan. The methodology of the research is historical research method by means of collecting and identifying document, interviewing related informants to have a further understanding of the process of the developmental changes.From combination of two institutions into National Taiwan Normal University’s Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten to 2002, NTNU experimental kindergarten has experienced a lot of “changes” and “no change”. The former (change) included: curriculum instruction change from unit teaching curriculum, emergent curriculum, to project approach; administrators and directors changes, and more appropriate learning environment for children, The latter (no change) included: the number of classes and children, and kindergarten site. The factors which affected kindergarten’s development are macro environments (the transition of political, economical, and social environment), educational system, kindergarten role in the NTNU, and teachers’ attitudes and director’s leadership.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 幼兒教育幼稚園發展史early childhood educationkindergartendevelopment history
刊名 人類發展與家庭學報  
期數 200907 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系
該期刊-下一篇 國際觀光旅館餐廳主管工作滿足與離職傾向之研究




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