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Affecting Factors of Students' Perception of Teachers' Positive Discipline on Bullying
作者 韋龍方
霸凌是一方經常利用不對等的權利關係,以不利於對方的手段或方式加以欺 侮。在霸凌的過程中,涉及了同儕間相互關係的好壞程度,也涉及了霸凌中所有 利害關係人的情绪智力表現。在整個霸凌事件的前因後果,更需要教師運用正向 管教的技巧來做到事前預防和事後補救的工作。因此,上述分析實有進一步探究 之必要。本硏究目的在探討國小教師正向管教對校園學童霸凌防治之影響因素, 硏究方法採文獻分析法。首先,就教師正向管教、學童被霸凌知覺、同儕關係與 情緒智力等影響因素的定義做一了解,其次,將各個影響因素之間的關係做相關 文獻的論述,以掌握各因素之間的交互影響情形。在綜合分析相關論述後,得出 重要硏究結果:同儕關係在教師正向管教對學童被霸凌知覺會產生中介的效果。 同時學童内在情绪智力在同儕關係對被霸凌知覺上具有調節作用。校園學童的霸 凌事件的是需要教育人員正視的現象,如果處理的不得其法,對未來的影響層面 是相當深遠且不可預期,其中最特別的是教師的管教方式與態度,不僅影響班級 的學習氣氛,更會影響學生之間的同儕相處模式。因此本硏究就此議題提出探 討,試圖找出可能改善學童間霸凌的情況或提升教師正向管教成效的因素,供教 育相關人員參考。
Bullying is often happened at unequal rights, to insult the others by any means or tricks. In the process of bullying, it involves how degree of correlation between peers and the emotional intelligence of all members in the bullying. In the whole bullying events of the cause and effect, more need teachers to carry out positive discipline to do the work for prevention and remedy. Therefore, the above discuss is necessary to more expound. The purpose of this study is to research the affecting factors of the prevention and control by teachers positive discipline on campus students' bullying, which is based on the definition of affecting factors such as teachers positive discipline, perception of suffering bullied, peer relationships and emotional intelligence. The method of this study is literature review. First, we discourse the relationship between the factors by literature review. The next, using the relationship of peers relationship and teachers positive discipline for reasoning out that may have the effect of mediation. Finally, to explore the moderation effect of emotional intelligence on peer relationship and perception of suffering bullied. Those were important findings from this study. Bullying events are the need to face for education staff, we expect this paper will help teachers and education staff, that can be more understanding how to deal with and improve on the bullying.
起訖頁 207-223
關鍵詞 教師正向管教學童被霸凌知覺同儕關係情绪智力emotional intelligencepeer relationshipperception of suffering bulliedteacher positive discipline
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201708 (6:8期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 智慧型手機的行動學習在體育教學應用之探討




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