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A review of research on Smartphone in mobile learning into physical education
作者 潘玉龍
科技時代來臨,行動學習是教育創新的全球新趨勢。智慧型手機是移動式科 技其中一環,也常被用於行動學習。而體育教學常因創新不足、單向式教學等因 素,導致學習者學習動機低落。本文目的在於探討智慧型手機的行動學習在體育 教學應用狀況。本硏究透過文獻分析法,探究行動學習的概念、智慧型手機在行 動學習運用及融入體育教學的優勢與限制。硏究結果以「十二年國民基本教育_! 之新課程發展與設計,本於全人教育的精神,以「自發」、「互動」及「共好」之基 本理念為發展背景,發想出智慧型手機的行動學習應用在體育教學的流程概念圖 及策略作法。再從十二年國民基本教育核心素養之三大面向之九大項目,設計出 智慧型手機的行動學習融入體育教學的具體作法,希冀透過智慧型手機之行動學 習,創造體育課程新教學模式,提高學習動機,增進師生互動交流,讓老師樂於 教學、學生樂於學習。
In the era of science and technology, mobile learning is innovative trends of global action. The smartphone is a part of mobile technologies, are often used for mobile learning. Physical education is often caused by factors such as lack of innovation, one-way teaching, resulting in learners of learning motivation down. The study aims to review of research on Smartphone in mobile learning into physical education. In this study through the literature review to explore the concept of mobile learning, Smartphone in action learning, and integration of the advantages and limitations of physical education. The result with " 12-year compulsory education” of the new curriculum development and design, the Holistic education of the spirit, in order to ’’ taking the initiative",’’ engaging the public" and ” seeking the common good” background for development of the basic idea, come up with a smartphone in physical education teaching process of action learning concept map and strategy. From 12-year compulsory education core accomplishment of three for nine projects, design smartphone mobile learning into physical education teaching practice, hope for mobile learning through smartphones, creating new teaching model of physical education curriculum, improving motivation, enhance interaction, make teachers enjoy teaching, students are willing to learn.
起訖頁 177-206
關鍵詞 科技素養十二年國教行動學technical literacy12-year compulsory educationmobile learning
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201708 (6:8期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 探索高齡者的學習主題偏好:新加坡快樂學堂樂齡學習者的心聲
該期刊-下一篇 國小教師正向管教對校園學童霸凌防治之影響因素




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