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A Proposal to Reduce Nurse Overtime in Acute Medical Ward of Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Department
作者 陳美如 (Mei-Ju Chen)江迎星呂詩敏
Working conditions that require nursing overtime is a serious issue. Investigation indicates that percentage of overtime worked by clinical nurses, domestic and abroad, ranges from 68% to 72%. A long-term accumulation of overtime results in chronic fatigue that could affect quality of life. It also contributes to the occurrence of medical negligence causing adverse events, which compromises patient health and safety. The acute care nurse of our ward frequently worked overtime, which had led to physical and psychological exhaustion that resulted in inattentiveness and poor quality of care. This motivated the execution of this project. To reduce the overtime of day-shift nurses, a task team was assembled, and the following interventions were implemented: utilization of division of labor, reduction of non-professional task burden, simplification and informationization of shift reports and documents, and reallocation of responsibility and cut-off point. After implementing these administrative protocols, the total number of day-shift nurses working overtime decreased from 217 to 112, and the percentage of overtime decreased from 77.8% to 40.1%. The overtime hours, as well as the physical and psychological fatigue of our staff, had been effectively reduced. This study can contribute to evidence-based improvement of similar issues.
起訖頁 82-93
關鍵詞 急性病房護理人員延遲下班acute medical wardnursenursing overtime
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201710 (16:5期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 降低氣管內管留置病人疼痛之改善專案
該期刊-下一篇 運用治療性遊戲於一位學齡期兒童撕裂傷縫合之急診護理經驗




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