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A Project to Decrease Pain in Intubated Patients
作者 林佳瑩 (Chia-Ying Lin)施佩華許榕珊陳麗貞 (Li-Chen Chen)謝春蘭 (Chun-Lan Hsieh)
The aim of this project is to assess and to improve quality of pain management in intubated patients, specifically to educate the nursing staff on the knowledge and skills of pain assessment and analgesic medications. Aside from ineffective communication that can be challenging, time consuming and frustrating, intubated patients also experience fear, anxiety, throat pain, and difficulty breathing. This project, started from March through August 2013, gathered information via on-site observation and inter views, and discovered that 86% of the intubated patients suffered from throat pain. In regards to prevalence of pain, oral care, sputum suction, and turning-over process were tanked at the top, with oral care scoring the highest 79%. As for pain severity, sputum suction was ranked first (with a score of 6±0.9). The major causes leading to inadequate pain management were subsequently identified: (1) Absence of pain assessment and interventions from the nursing staff; (2) failure to notice entangled cords, wires or tubes; (3) lack of endotracheal tube fixation devices and saliva ejectors; (4) absence of training in turning-over intubated patients. Interventions to address these issues were introduced, including pain assessment stick posts, acupressure, endotracheal tube fixation device, and in-service education. After the implementation of the project, the pain score decreased from 6±0.9 to 3.93±0.62. Measures undertaken in the project had effectively enhanced the quality of care for intubated patient with throat pain, and improved the knowledge and skills of pain assessment and analgesic medications among the nursing staff.
起訖頁 71-81
關鍵詞 疼痛氣管內管插管endotracheal tubeintubationpain
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201710 (16:5期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
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該期刊-下一篇 降低肝膽腸胃內科急性病房白班護理人員延遲下班率之專案




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