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Assimilation or Domestication? Historical Analysis on the Japanese Colonial Policies and Elderly Welfare in Taiwan
作者 劉家勇
This essay focuses on the elderly welfare policy in Japanese colonial Taiwan. In terms of historical review and analysis, the relationship between the elderly welfare policy and Japanese colonial policy is explored. Document analysis and comparative research method are adopted in this research. Research findings include: 1. At the beginning the Japanese colonial government involved deeply within a “dual system” of the elderly welfare, yet colonial government's role was retrenched and the gentry took responsibility again to provide the elderly welfare later. 2. In Japanese colonial time, the elderly welfare was eminent on its “instrumental function”, which did not only serve for Japanese colonial policy, but the aim and manner of the elderly welfare policy were tortured. 3. Japanese colonial government implemented the elderly welfare through the Confucianism to politically legitimize its rule and spiritually to assimilate Taiwanese. The Japanese colonial ruling directly effects to the backward development of the elderly welfare, and its legacies which were partly inherited by authoritarian Kuomintang government indirectly impact to the belated development of elderly welfare.
起訖頁 291-343
關鍵詞 養老事業日治時期臺灣Elderly WelfareJapanese Colonial TimeTaiwan
刊名 思與言  
期數 201612 (54:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「槁木」與「輕身」:《莊子》注疏、詩人具身認知、醫家辨證的跨 界討論




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