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A Nursing Experience of a Female Adolescent with Wilson’s Disease
作者 葉佳圓謝秀玲
This article reported a nursing experience of a teenage female patient with Wilson’s disease who were experiencing restricted limb movement, and anxiety caused by change in appearance. The nursing period lasted from Nov. 11th to 30th, 2011. By employing Gordon’s functional health patterns as an assessment framework, data were collected via physical assessment, interviews, observations, and medical record review. The patient was found to have self-care deficit, body image disorder, and anxiety. During the nursing period, the following nursing interventions were introduced in the implementation of holistic nursing: giving positive recognitions according to the indicators of adolescent physical and mental development to encourage to patient to accept muscle weakness to her right arm and face body alterations; assisting the patient to gradually engage in isometric, isotonic, and ROM (range of motion) exercise; encouraging the patient to regain self-care ability; and providing medical knowledge to enhance the patient’s recognition of the disease, to relieve her anxiety, and to reduce the chance of relapse.
起訖頁 116-126
關鍵詞 威爾森氏症青少年身體心像紊亂焦慮anxietybody image disturbancefemale adolescentWilson’s disease
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201706 (16:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位瓣膜置換術後病人成功脫離呼吸器之重症護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 一位行冠狀動脈繞道手術患者之加護經驗




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