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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Cheng Chieh in the Taipei MRT Irregular Homicide of the Life Course to Explore the Causes and Prevention of Violent Crime |
作者 |
劉育偉、許華孚 |
中文摘要 |
暴力犯罪或攻擊行為存在於遠古蠻荒社會乃至於現今,雖其盛行比率遠低於竊盜、詐欺或其他類型之財產犯罪,但因其獨特之暴戾性、殘忍性,故長久來一直是民眾最為恐懼的犯罪型態。殺人即為暴力犯罪之標準類型,隨機殺人更是暴力犯罪突變的加強版,犯罪者本質上也從傳統不良街角少年或幫派逐漸轉型成為品學兼優的模範生,或許在身體、外觀上與常人一般未有殘疾病變,但令人擔憂的是,心理、內在上已不與一般人正向、健康,這才是真正社會問題之所在,鄭捷北捷隨機殺人案提醒著社會病態情節有如癌症細胞般隨時伺機發動,當「正面」的控制或拉力低於「負面」的沉淪,癌細胞就會一步步地啃食我們的身體(社會),若未能正視此問題,及早預防,平時就做好保健,於病發前即注入抑制的預防針,不希望出現的下一次憾事才可能因環境、情境的改善而被迫止,以避免無辜遭受波及。因此本文先以隨機殺人素例之文獻探討,從犯罪學相關理論剖析並回顧臺灣犯罪史上,第一、二起隨機殺人事件後,進而探討鄭捷北捷隨機殺人素之犯罪肇因,藉而喚起各界對是類犯罪事前整體社會的暴力犯罪防「制」工程之建置及事後病態醫療防「治」體系的推動。 |
英文摘要 |
This article attempts to examine Taipei MRT killing massacre occurred in 2014 in Taiwan by analyzing the life course of Killer Cheng Chieh. Violent Crime and aggressive behavior have existed for a long time in human history. Although the prevalence on these types of behavior are much less than the types of property crime or fraud, violent crimes always draw much concerns of public fear due to cruel and fierce character. Homicide is a standard of violent crime. Moreover, irregular homicide is a more serious violent crime. The nature of irregular homicide has transformed from traditional delinquent juveniles or teenage gangs into untypical students or teenagers. It is worried that the psychological illness of these perpetrators is the crucial factor and does not discovered in society. The stabbing rampage on the Taipei MRT reminds us the occurrence of social pathology like Cheng Chieh could be as cancer spreading to elsewhere of society. This paper employs a method of literature analysis combining criminological theories and historical review to examine the life course of the MRT killer Cheng Chieh. It is hoped that the discussion can provide suggestions for the field of crime prevention on violent crime and killing massacre. |
起訖頁 |
261-282 |
關鍵詞 |
鄭捷、隨機殺人、暴力犯罪、生命歷程、捷運、Cheng Chieh、irregular homicide、violent crime、life course |
刊名 |
刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集 |
期數 |
201511 (18期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
民眾對警察的信任──從公正、廉潔、手段正當及維護治安績效等要素論述 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
青少年暴力行為與早期家暴經驗之關連 |