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The Denotation of the Term Zhaomu
作者 許子濱
There have been numerous discussions since antiquity on the zhaomu 昭穆 system of inheritance, yet little has been said on the meaning of the term zhaomu itself. The present article examines the few existing explanations, including those by Lu Tian 陸佃 and Zhu Xi 朱熹 of the Song dynasty, as well as in-depth modern studies by Li Hengmei 李衡眉, Tang Youbo 唐友波and Huang Guangwu 黃光武, and attempts to develop a plausible account of the term from philological and philosophical perspectives. Indeed, the Qing scholar Duan Yucai 段玉裁 has already pointed out that zhao and mu signify light and darkness respectively, corresponding to the yinyang 陰陽 dichotomy. Ancient exegeses similarly relate light-darkness to oldyoung. Thus, zhaomu is really just another name for yinyang. Interpreted in the philosophical view of “shu cheng yu san” 數成於三 (number established at three), zhaomu originally refered to the revolving paternal relation- the father (zhao) gave birth to the son (mu), who in turn bore the grandson (zhao), completing a cycle. Zhaomu is then a manifestation of the yinyang notion applied to Chinese ethics, analogous to the way gangrou 剛柔 (strong-weak) is applied to the ten heavenly stems.
起訖頁 329-346
關鍵詞 昭穆陰陽長幼先秦訓詁zhaomuyinyangold-youngpre-Qinexegesis
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200712 (25:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 廈門黑幫籍民的形成與發展(1895~1937)--由「臺匪」到「武力派」
該期刊-下一篇 細柔的「一」與粗硬的「一」--評德國漢學界的兩種荀子研究




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