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The Quality Analysis of the Non-Award-Program-Enrolled Health Websites in Taiwan in 2002
作者 蕭芳瑩吳肖琪劉碩琦許嘉容張博論
網站已成為提供資訊的重要管道,本研究的目的在於了解未參加衛生署91年網站評獎活動之特性是否異於參加該活動之健康網站。未參賽網站以雅虎奇摩入口網站,在其屬健康相關網站分類中隨機抽取90家,依網站屬性分類為個人、基金會學協會、商業三大類,評分方式與評分者皆與參賽評選活動者相同,內容包含「網站內容維護與充實」、「網站架構與導覽」、「線上互動」三大項。結果發現,整體來說 非參賽組的得分皆低於參賽組之得分約百分之三十,其中在個人組與商業組參賽網站品質顯著低於參賽組,而基金會學協會沒有明顯差別,但在「網站內容與維護」單項上卻也有顯著差異。衛生署網站評獎 活動雖有助於國內優良健康網站的發展,但是國內整體健康網站品質仍有很大的改善空間,未來宜加強對未參賽健康網站品質的了解與協助改善。
The websites have become the import sources for people to get health-related information. The objective of this study was to examine the quality for those health websites which didn't enroll in the 2002 DOH-sponsored Health Award Program in Taiwan. Ninety un-enrolled health websites, categorized as the individual, the foundation / association-related, and the commercial websites, were randomly selected from the registered list in the Taiwan Yahoo-Kimo. The evaluation mechanism and evaluators in the 2002 Award Program were used. The types of web quality factors were covered, which were the content and maintenance, the structures and guides, and the online interaction. The results showed that the overall quality scores for those un-enrolled were 30% statistically significantly less than those of the enrolled. This difference was far greater for the individual and commercial health websites. Though this difference was less obvious for the foundation / association- related health websites, similar pattern was still observed in the content and maintenance. The DOH-sponsored Health Award Program might stimulate the quality assurance effort for the health websites in Taiwan, but greater effort would be needed, especially for those un-enrolled websites.
起訖頁 11-16
關鍵詞 健康網站網站品質網站品質評Health websitesWebsite qualityWebsite quality evaluation
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200408 (13:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 以衛生署2002年網站評獎活動結果:分析台灣健康網站品質現況與發展
該期刊-下一篇 台灣2002年衛生署健康網站評獎活動參與網站之內容建置與網路安全性技術分析




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