英文摘要 |
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of theNantou – ChangLin 345KV Power Transmission Line (HVOETL) on theadjacent farm land value. Contingent valuation method (CVM) wasadopted by surveying the land owner within 50 meters of this HVOETL.Heckman two-stage least square method was used to estimate thewillingness to pay (WTP) values for purchasing farm land. The resultsshowed that those who worried about power lines having a negativeimpact on health would choose to purchase the land far away frompower lines. The impacts of this HVOETL on the reduction of farm landvalue were estimated to be within 71% to 78.4%. This impact can beextended as far as 725 meters and beyond that it will become negligible.According to our analysis, the negative effects of this HVOETL on farmland value are very strong. Therefore, Taipower Company and therelated government agencies should be highly considerate whenplanning such a HVOETL project. In particular, the HVOETL should notgo through the populated and farming areas for the safety of humanlives and the protection of property values. |