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Analysis of Knee Joint Impact to Volleyball Players Landing After Blocking by Using Rigid-Body Model and Muscular Model
作者 陳政宇林國全何金山孔建嘉
本研究的主要目的在以剛體模型與肌肉模型分析排球選手著地之膝關節衝擊力,以八名優秀排球選手(男性,22.39±2.3 歲,190.88±6.56 公分,80.13±7.14 公斤)為研究對象,Vicon 動作捕捉系統和兩塊Kistler 測力板收集運動學資料和地面反作用力。結果:以SPSS 18.0 之成對樣本t檢定對於兩側膝關節著地後關節受力之差異做顯著性分析處理。實驗結果顯示出,不論以剛體模型或是肌肉模型分析,著地時膝關節兩側受力不對稱現象明顯存在(p<.05)。這是競技排球選手以側移跨步跑跳步法所得到結果,雖然沒有直接證據可作連結,但是以運動生物力學觀點,當競賽中選手肌力下降時,此現象有可能會造成累積性的膝關節傷害。目前,有些研究因為可能產生高危險的運動傷害,不容易直接應用在受測者身上,因此,電腦輔助分析提供一種可行的運動傷害機制評估方法。
The goal of the study was to analyze the knee joint impact to volleyball players landing after blocking by using rigid-body model and muscular model. Eight elite volleyball players (male, 22.39±2.3 years old, 190.88±6.56 cm and 80.13±7.14 kg) were recruited in this study. Vicon motion system (T40, Vicon Motion System Ltd., UK) and two Kistler forceplates (Kistler Instrument Corp., Winterhur, Switzerland) were used to record the kniematic data and ground reaction forces synchronously. To analyze the statistical significance, SPSS (Ver. 18.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois) was used. The results showed that the phenomenon of bilateral asymmetric loading of knee joint were significant in both of two different models (p<.05). Though the phenomenon can’t be treat as the factor of injury, from the viewpoint of sport biomechanics that it may result in accumulated injuries of knee when muscular strength of player is fatigued. Some experiments of sport injury applied to players are not easy because the high-risk injuries may happen. Therefore, the computer-aided analysis is feasible to evaluate the mechanisms of sport injuries.
起訖頁 57-68
關鍵詞 排球剛體模型肌肉模型運動傷害volleyballrigid-body modelmuscular modelsport injury
刊名 彰化師大體育學報  
期數 201009 (9期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學運動學系
該期刊-上一篇 自行車騎士綠色消費態度與行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 2009 高雄世運賽事管理回顧




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