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〈馮燕傳〉、〈馮燕歌〉、〈水調七遍〉 對馮燕的謳歌──男性中心層級分明的道德體系呈現
The Feng Yen Chuan, Feng Yen Ko and Shui Tiao Chi Pien Sing Praises of Feng Yen: Showing the Clearly Classified Morality that is Male-Centered
作者 黃美鈴
The following story that took place in the mid-to-late Tang Dynasty was very popular. A man named Feng Yen馮燕 killed his paramour, who had wanted him to murder her husband, named Chang, with his blade. Then he turned himself in to clear the name of his paramour,s husband, who had been wrongly accused as a wife killer. Shen Ya-chih沈亞之 wrote the Feng Yen Chuan 馮燕傳 according to this story, and publicized the righteousness of Feng Yen “killing the unrighteous paramour, and clearing the name of the innocent.” The Feng Yen Chuan was rewritten again and again by succeeding people and became an important literary motif. And Feng Yen,s image was further glorified. This story reflects a certain social value that had been long approved by the traditional society. The development of the story of Feng Yen was influenced by interactions among the writers, the works, and the readers. Depiction of Feng Yen,s life underwent several changes, from“stealing someone's wife”to“killing the unrighteous paramour, and clearing the name of the innocent,”and then winning the approval of the literati and officialdom that represented the system. Nevertheless, what this process of changes accomplished is Feng Yen,s personal morality and honor; as for Chang,s wife, with whom Feng Yen had illicit love, her life and reputation were totally destroyed. If one goes into the depth of Feng Yen,s righteousness, one could find out that the solemn system is built up by the clearly classified morality that is male-centered. And Feng Yen only had to defend the core value of the moral system, and then he could be morally saved like a sage that suddenly realizes the truth of life. This article deconstructs the Feng Yen Chuan, and the later texts, Feng Yen Ko 馮燕歌 and Shui Tiao Chi Pien 水調七遍. While explaining the deeds of Feng Yen, the three texts have shown between unwritten lines the clearly classified morality that is male-centered. And although Feng Yen,s way of living up to chivalrous ethics seemed to be quite radical, it still shared the same conservative side of the value system with the mainstream order.
起訖頁 171-190
關鍵詞 馮燕馮燕傳馮燕歌水調七遍唐傳奇Feng YenFeng Yen ChuanFeng Yen KoShui Tiao Chi PienTang Dynasty short stories
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論法門寺唐代〈衣物帳〉中的個體量詞
該期刊-下一篇 北宋讀詩詩與宋代詩學──從傳播與接受之視角切入




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