英文摘要 |
The ecosystems of Algal Reefs encounter great threat of existingdue to accelerated destruction from increasing economic activities andincreasing population. The ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan arethe largest in Taiwan. Its biological diversity has supported the coastalecology, land ecology, and social economic development. Meanwhile, ithas existed for thousand years. The ecosystems of the algal reefs inTaoyuan have evidenced costal change of west Taiwan. It has highexisting value. However, the value of the ecosystems has been reducedrecently due to pollution from industrial areas, and destruction fromeconomic development since people are not familiar with the algal reefs.This research evaluates the value of the ecosystems of the algalreefs in Taoyuan. A hypothetical market is used to elicit and evaluateeconomic benefits from this resource. We use contingent valuationmethod and a survey of close-ended questionnaire format which is madeby face-to face interviews. We then use the probit and logit models toestimate the willingness to pay to recover the damaged ecosystem bymanmade destruction.The empirical results indicate that the willingness to pay is rangedfrom 436 to 466 NTD per capita per year. It implies that the totaleconomic value of the algal reefs in Taoyuan is around five billion NTD.This empirical finding proves that the ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan with a lot of species, and a long history, are of high-value forpeople in Taiwan. Therefore, the government can conserve it throughpromoting the knowledge of people about the algae reefs. People withcomprehensive knowledge would protect it well and make it can survivein a sustainable manner. |