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Passenger Preferences toward Aircraft Seat Selection
作者 盧華安余坤東鄭雅琪
航空業的競爭越趨激烈,各航空公司亟欲透過滿足顧客的服務需求來提升公司的競爭力。本研究探討旅客選位之偏好,並將其界定為位置偏好與鄰位偏好兩大方向。位置偏好為旅客對機上座位配屬有關之因素,如靠窗或走道機位等;鄰位偏好則是與鄰座旅客特質有關,如年紀、身形體態與國籍等。經由問卷設計與抽樣調查,本研究利用敘述性統計呈現旅客在位置偏好重要性、鄰位偏好介意程度及其等之願付價格;另藉由t 檢定和變異數分析探索不同特質旅客的偏好差異;同時利用相關分析與迴歸分析建立選位偏好與願付價格之關聯性。
The competition between airlines becomes more intense. Airlines stronglyintend to increase their competitiveness through satisfying customers’ servicedemands. This study explores the passenger preferences toward seat selection inthe cabin. The preferences consist of two categories: seat physical conditions and neighboring passenger conditions. Seat physical conditions include the factors ofseat location, such as window or aisle seats, while neighboring passengerconditions include the personal characteristics of neighboring passengers, such asages, figures and nationalities. This study, through questionnaire design andsampling respondents, presented the preferences of seats and concern levels ofneighboring passengers and the willingness to pay by price with descriptivestatistics. Then, the t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied todistinguish the differences of respondents’ characteristics on the preferences.Furthermore, this study also built up the relationships between the seat selectionpreferences and willingness to pay by price in terms of correlation analysis andregression models.
起訖頁 83-113
關鍵詞 選位偏好願付價格t 檢定變異數分析迴歸分析Passenger preferences to select aircraft seatsWillingness to pay by pricet-testANOVARegression models
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201603 (28:1期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用格位傳遞與轉向比估計模式於適應性號誌控制邏輯之構建
該期刊-下一篇 連續假期交通購票方式對臺鐵服務品質感受探究




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