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The Survey Study of User Satisfaction for National Immunization Information System with Continuous Evolution
作者 邱瑞科顏哲傑翁頌舜齊學平蔡宗緯潘柏延
全國性預防接種管理資訊系統,簡稱NIIS(National Immunization Information System),為行政院衛生署疾病管制局對原有全國性預防接種業務導入電腦化資料處理的一項重要革新計畫。NHS於民國九十一年初開始進行系統革新,九十二年初進行全國性全面導入,並於九十二年底完成全國二十五縣市衛生局及三百七十四鄉鎮衛生所暨六百多個診所之導入並上線使用。衛生署疾病管制局預防接種組為瞭解NIIS導入後,使用者對系統之滿意度,乃於九十二年底(導入初期)及底(一年後)對衛生局暨所之系統使用者與管理者進行兩次全面性滿意度調查,以了解此一系統導入後他們對於系統的滿意度及系統整體反應,俾便作為後續系統改善、功能提昇的依據。本研究即是針對NES導入後初期及一年後進行兩次滿意度調查。調查內容包括『使用滿意度』、『廠商服務滿意度』、『個人工作滿意度』三構面來進行分析與探討,並與原存在於PHIS(Primary Health Information System)中之預防接種系統(NIIS前身)進行滿意度比較分析。研究發現NIIS系統導入一年後,使用者對系統整體表現與導入初期時的情況相比有顯著的改善。在PHIS與NIIS比較之中,我們也發現NIIS系統整體表現明顯都高於PHIS。顯示NIIS系統取代PHIS系統後,在整體功能面而言,NIIS系統不僅功能顯著提昇並且帶給衛生局所預防接種人員在作業上更多的效益,對NIIS系統革新也都持正面肯定,並可作為系統往後進行持續改善的基礎。
National Immunization Information System, is called NIIS for short which was one of important evolution plans for its existing systems which was claimed by Center for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health (DOH) in Taiwan, to computerize the national immunization affairs at present. NIIS had already been started to carry out system evolution at the beginning of year 2002. In the beginning of year 2003, the system was implemented nationwide. At the end of 2003, it has been implemented with on-line running at the public health bureaus in 25 counties and cities and the public health centers in 374 townships. The major functions of immunization affairs related to this system are to be closely with the daily life of general publics, such as the vaccine inoculation of children, the aged people and so on. In additions, the data key-in of the liver disease examination of expectant mothers, the vaccine management which belongs to the management level, and related reports of inoculation percentage and statistics are the main fiinctions of this system. After the implementation of this system, the CDC of DOH attempts to understand the status of user satisfaction and system effectiveness through two comprehensive surveys at the end of 2003 and 2004, respectively. The results of the surveys can be used to understand the user satisfaction and as a reference for the follow-up system improvement, functional extension and future system development. This analysis of survey is targeted to three planes including 'user satisfaction to the system', 'satisfaction to vendor services', and 'satisfaction to individual work'. In addition, the results are compared with its legendary system in PHIS. The findings of this survey, the overall user satisfaction to the system has significant improvement between these two services. In the comparison of PHIS and NIIS, we also find that NIIS brings not only the enhancement of system functions but also more benefits in the work to inoculation personnel. It is a positive appraisal to the system redesign, promotion, and may be used as the basis of continuous improvement onward.
起訖頁 51-77
關鍵詞 預防接種資訊管理系統系統滿意度基層衛生資訊系統持續變革系統效益National Immunization Information SystemUser SatisfactionContinuous EvolutionSystem Effectiveness
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200506 (14:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣大型醫院醫令資訊系統介面使用性評估之研究
該期刊-下一篇 「整合型醫療通訊入口」以及「免輸入中文」的快速查詢介面




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