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Coping Strategies: Bullying in the Nursing Workplace
作者 蔡曉婷宋雅雯鄒理萍黃夢婷黃敏瑢 (Min-Jung Huang)邱啟潤
咎因於護理人員的高流動率與隨之提高的護病比例,護理人員組織成熟度與健全度受到影響,以致病人安全問題堪慮。因此,國際間開始重視護理環境高離職率原由之研究,並發現了護理職場霸凌現象與護理人員離職行為間有顯著的相關。護理職場的霸凌現象,往往造成護理人員生、心理上相當大的負面影響,甚至造成護理人員萌生自殺念頭(Yildirim & Yildirim, 2007)。因此,國際護理協會(International Council of Nurses, ICN)於2007年整合國際間護理職場霸凌現象相關之研究,提出正向執業環境之重要性。然而,當前探討護理職場霸凌現象論文多屬國外文獻,國內的卻是寥寥可數。本文透過綜合國外相關文獻,希望能協助國內護理人員瞭解護理職場霸凌的發生原因及因應策略,藉以提升護理人員對此現象的知覺、預防護理職場霸凌現象的惡化,並降低護理人員的高離職率現象。
High nurse turnover rates and the related rise in patient-to-nurse ratios correlate with the integrity and maturity of nursing organizations and patient safety issues. Previous studies indicate bullying among nurses to be significantly related to high turnover rates and to impact negatively on the physical and mental health of nurses. The situation has been severe enough to lead to nurse suicides (Yildirim & Yildirim, 2007). In light of such, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) reviewed the literature about nursing workplace bullying and proclaimed the importance of fostering a positive work environment in 2007. Most studies on nursing workplace bullying have focused on western societies. In order to clarify the state of nursing bullying in Taiwan, this paper worked to summarize observations in the literature regarding the causes of and management strategies for nursing workplace bullying in order to increase the attention of nursing managers and staff toward this issue. The authors hope that this article may help raise awareness and both prevent nursing workplace bullying and reduce currently high turnover rates.
起訖頁 87-92
關鍵詞 霸凌護理職場bullyingnursing workplace
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201108 (58:4期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 職場霸凌的概念分析
該期刊-下一篇 從知識經濟談護理創新之成果應用




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