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The Father-son Relationship between Emperor Wu of Han and Wei Crown Prince ―― Crown Prince's Education and Political Crisis
作者 沈明得
由於巫蠱之禍,史書對於漢武帝與衛太子父子關係的記載本就隱誨不明, 甚至推論父子關係不睦,藉由巫蠱打擊衛太子集團,甚或是為幼子弗陵掃除政 治障礙。本文有意重新梳理武帝與衛太子的父子關係,詳述武帝對衛太子的培 育過程,以及政治路線歧見與群臣構陷的政治危機中,說明武帝對於衛太子的 態度與作為。
Due to the political effect of the Witchcraft Incident in the late years of Emperor Wu of Han, historical records did not have a clear description about the relationship between Emperor Wu of Han and Wei Crown Prince. Historians speculated about the bad relationships between the father and son, and even argued that the Emperor used witchcraft accusations to attack Prince-related clan or to clear political obstacles for Fu Ling, the youngest son of the emperor. This paper aims to explore the father-son relationship of Emperor Wu and the Crown Prince in terms of how the emperor educated and cultivated the prince, and the father’s attitude towards the son acccording to the observations on political divergences and crisis.
起訖頁 87-104
關鍵詞 巫蠱之禍漢武帝衛太子太子教育Witchcraft IncidentEmperor Wu of HanWei PrinceCrown Prince’s Education
刊名 止善  
期數 201612 (21期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢代講武探論
該期刊-下一篇 伍秉鑒的商道及其與行商的關係




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