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Disaster and Disaster Nursing: From an Education and Research Perspective
作者 陳麗琴 (Li-Chin Chen)范君瑜 (Jun-Yu Fan)
台灣因所處的地理位置特殊以及自然環境變遷之效應,素來有許多的天然災難,本國對各種災難的之防救由不同的主管機關負責,但災難所造成的傷病患均是衛生單位的責任。災難發生後,傷病患者需要不同程度醫療的協助,為有系統有組織地因應大量傷患事件,各醫療院所應有緊急事故指揮系統(hospital emergency incident command system, HEICS)。自過往的經驗中發現護理人員於災難救援的過程中具有不可或缺的角色,美國於911事件後除了訂定災難護理教育需求的方向,在教學策略方面強調除課室外,應配合實務情境演練,落實照護流程之標準作業程序與常見問題因應之演練。國、內外有關災難護理的研究較為缺乏,世界災難護理學會於2008年在日本神戶成立,主要為促進國際間學術交流與研究,建立網路資訊交流平台,及舉辦災難護理相關之活動,並建議在研究方面可朝長期追蹤災難後存活者的健康狀況、了解護理照護需求相關的概念議題、發展照護技巧及建立醫療機構院所的照護支持網。
Due to its geographic position and the effect of changes in both global and island-specific environments, Taiwan is an area highly prone to natural disasters. While responsibility for national disaster prevention and rescue are distributed amongst various authorities, healthcare agencies hold sole responsibility for the treatment of injuries sustained during disaster events. Disaster casualties require differing levels of medical assistance. In order to respond systematically to disaster events, the government should require that all healthcare facilities operate a hospital emergency incident command system (HEICS). Past experience shows the important role that nurses play in the disaster relief process. The 911 disaster in the United States both helped reorient the direction of nursing education and emphasized teaching practical strategies, standard operating procedures, and frequently asked questions for nurses. Recognizing the limited research done worldwide on disaster nursing, the World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) was established in 2008 in Kobe, Japan. The main purposes of the WSDN is to promote international academic exchange, establish an Internet information exchange platform, and organize international disaster nursing related activities. The WSDN has suggested that future research may focus in on critical issues that include post-disaster health status follow-up, exploration of the healthcare needs and other issues of disaster survivors, care skills development, and the potential for development of cooperative support networks between medical institutions.
起訖頁 11-16
關鍵詞 災難事件災難護理大量傷患事件disasterdisaster nursingmass causality incident (MCI).
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201006 (57:3期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 災難應變——護理人員應有的知能
該期刊-下一篇 毒性化學物質災害之醫院反應與醫療處置




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