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裁決命復職後二次解僱法律問題初探——臺灣高等法院 一○一年度重勞上字第三十七號判決評釋
The Preliminary Study on Legal Issues Regarding the Second Discharge after the Reinstatement Decision: Comments on Taiwan High Court Judgment Chong Lao Shan Tsu No.37 (2012)
作者 陳金泉
Based on the facts of the Taiwan High Court Judgment Chong Lao Shan Tsu No.37 (2012), this article is aiming to discuss the relevant issues with respect to the second discharge in a pending lawsuit. The content will include the analyses of the legal effects regarding the reinstatement informed by the employer in an illegal-discharged litigation, the prohibition and allowance of the second discharge, the characterization of second discharge and the effects of res judicata. Furthermore, the new unfair-labor-practices decision-making system was established on May 1, 2011where the reinstatement decision is the most common decision awarded. If the employer files a civil lawsuit against the reinstatement decision awarded according to the first paragraph of Article 48 of the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes but concurrently informs the labor his/her reinstatement in accordance with the decision awarded, and then discharges such labor again during the reinstatement period. Accordingly, if such labor applies for the second decision against the second discharge after his/her reinstatement and the second decision awarded confirms the invalidation of such second discharge, and then the employer files a civil lawsuit against the second decision, in such event, there will be a very complicated relation between the first and the second lawsuit. For this purpose, this article hereby attempts to clarify the relevant issues in accordance with the current legal doctrine and judicial interpretation and provide certain opinions with respect thereto. Since the relevant issues are mostly first viewed, the legal opinions proposed in this article are indeed the “preliminary study” and there might be some possible errors contained. Therefore, it would be much appreciated should any advices, corrections and comments are provided.
起訖頁 99-145
關鍵詞 二次解僱裁決救濟命令復職既判力遮斷效Second DischargeDecisionOrder-for-ReliefReinstatementRes JudicataCollateral Estoppel
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 201708 (56期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 由國際發展觀點論人口販運勞力剝削之刑事規範
該期刊-下一篇 制定我國二氧化碳封存規範 ——以國際法作為參考及出發點




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