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The Study of Current Status and Influencing Factors of Web-based Instruction among Medical-related College Faculty
作者 許麗齡 (Li-Ling Hsu)
At present, the problem and difficulty of implementing WBI among the Medical-related college faculty have not yet been generally assessed The purpose of this study is to explore contemporary situation of WBI in campus, to understand the influencing factors, to know difficulties and problems, and to offer concrete solutions and thus help expand WBI to teaching and research. This study adopted two sections, one was to explore contemporary situation of WBI in medical-related college and universities using WBI searching; the other was to understand the influencing factors, to know difficulties and problems, and to offer concrete solutions and thus help expand WBI to teaching and research. In September, 2003 mailed the way to send 2354 faculties that 285 faculties resisted to response and 808 faculties filled out the questionnaires. The response rate was 39%. In 81 teaching websites, information download and course introduction were most designed, respectively were 84% and 43.2%. However examination, assignment and evaluation content less offered. In addition, the discussion area very lacked. In 808 faculties, approximately 69 faculties (8.5%) once implemented the web-based studies and the 324 faculties (43.8%) had the wish to carry out the web-based teaching, approximately 28 faculties (3.5%) once carried out the web-based studies and the 324 faculties (43.8%) had the wish to carry out the web-based teaching. This study finding influencing factors of WBI included lack of copyrights law protection, up-to-date material, time consumption for preparing material, unable to control in learning progress, lack of TA assistance and so on. Exploratory factor method was carried out. It was concluded six dimensions-administration resources, learning effectiveness and learning evaluation, students' active, teaching content, computer literacy of faculty and teaching burden. Finally, based on the findings, this study provides relevant suggestions regarding the administration resources, curriculum, learning, faculty-student computer skills, copyrights and test design, and equable evaluation.
起訖頁 63-76
關鍵詞 網路教學大專教師調查法Web-based instructioncollege facultysurvey
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200706 (16:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 建構電腦化領血作業提升輸血安全




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