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Ming China and Malacca: Establishment and Loss of a Strategic Front
作者 陳鴻瑜
Although Malacca can not claim to be successor to the Sri-Vijaya empire, it can still be regarded as a remnant of that empire that survived its fall. Malacca developed from a small fishing village into a state that once controlled the Malacca Strait. Under the reign of Mansur Shah, Malacca expanded to occupy Rokan, Indragiri, Siak and Kampar; Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Johor and Kedah became vassal states of Malacca. A key factor in Malacca’s success was her dependence upon China’s support and protection in preventing invasion by Siam. The Ming empire took control of the two ports in the Strait of Malacca, Palembang and Malacca, and Malacca became the forward stronghold of the Ming empire in the Western seas. However, in the end Malacca was unable to resist Western naval strength, falling into Portuguese hands with Ming China powerless to come to her aid. The Strait of Malacca had seemingly formed part of the strategic line around Ming China; with this strategic line broken, Western powers would gradually be able to close in on the coast of China herself. Consequently, Portuguese ships landed in Macau in 1557, for the first time allowing a Western power to establish a bridgehead in China. Clearly, the fall of Malacca to Portugal had a serious impact on the coastal defense of China.
起訖頁 139-169
關鍵詞 馬六甲明朝舊港蘇門答剌錫蘭鄭和MalaccaMing dynastyPalembangSumatraCeylonZheng He
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201012 (28:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論北宋熙豐、元祐年間的中樞體制變動(1068-1093)
該期刊-下一篇 清遺民的志業--論《滄海遺音集》的成書過程與編彙目的




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