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A Treatment Case in Absence Epilepsy with Chinese Medicine as Auxiliary Treatment
作者 方建喨
23歲女性患有失神性癲癇(Absence Epilepsy)病史,發作時記不得期間所經歷過的人事物或所做的動作,在視覺看到閃亮光或多色彩時易誘發作(例如電動或電視),不易入睡。在青少年初發病時以西藥治療,病情得到控制,進入大學後開始未規律性服藥,漸開始出現癲癇復發現象,大學畢業後又開始以西藥治療,雖然發作頻率獲得改善,但仍無法完避免每日發作癲癇情形。患者希望結合中醫治療以避免癲癇反覆發作,於是100.10.14於本院中醫部就診,經中醫診斷治療,以柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯、甘麥大棗湯、天麻鉤藤飲、天王補心丹、金匱風引湯等方劑合併鎮攝安神潛陽藥物隨證加減,在半年規律性中藥及針灸治療後,癲癇未再發作,隨後二年追蹤,患者未曾再發作癲癇現象。
23 years old female patient with Absence Epilepsy history, who wouldn't be able to recall any things nor any actions during the attacks. The break out could be trigged by bright lights or multiple colors, such as video games or TV which could cause sleepless. The symptom had been controlled by western-medicine at the beginning of illness which could trace back to the patient's teen-agers. Yet, the Absence Epilepsy relapsed once the patient entered the college and not taking medicine regularly. So the patient started western-medicine treatment again once graduated from the school. Although, the seizure frequencies had been reduced, but still could not stop the daily attack. Therefore, the patient would like to combine with the treatment of traditional Chinese-medicine to reduce the daily seizure epilepsy. The patient visited the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital on Oct. 14, 2011, had been treated by Chai-Hu-Long-Mu Tang, Gan- Mai-Da-Zao Tang, Tian-Ma-Gou-Terng Yin, Tian-Wang-Bu-Xin Dan, Feng-Yin Tang and herbs of settling fright, calming the spirit, subduing yang after the diagnosis. The Epilepsy had never attacked again after a six months of regular Chinese-medicine taking accordingly with Acupuncture treatment.
起訖頁 57-63
關鍵詞 失神性癲癇中藥鎮攝安神潛陽Absence EpilepsyChinese-medicinesettling frightcalming the spiritsubduing yang
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201503 (18:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 名老中醫臨床治療小兒氣喘經驗彙整
該期刊-下一篇 半夏白朮天麻湯加減治療多年頭痛之病例




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