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A Comparison of the Caring Theories of Watson and Swanson
作者 陳曉琦周汎澔
「關懷」一直以來被認為是護理的本質及一種無形的存在,是護理的核心與精髓,Watson於1975-1979年發展出涵蓋十個照護因素的「人性化關懷照護理論」(human caring theory)之大範圍理論(grand theory),Swanson則於1991年提出涵蓋五個照護過程的「關懷照護理論」(caring theory)之中範圍理論(middle range theory),雖然師徒二人皆表達彼此理論可相容並且互相增進可信度,但我們仍須對此二理論的異同點有所了解,才能善盡其用。因此,本文旨在經由Watson人性化關懷照護理論與Swanson關懷照護理論之簡介,運用文獻查證與整合的方式進一步比較分析此二理論,對於此二理論之國內外應用情形亦有所著墨。希望藉由相關論述與比較分析,讓我們更明瞭「關懷」的真諦,提供健康專業人員臨床工作之關懷行為的明確指引與依據,以提升高科技醫療水準下護理的關懷初衷與核心素養,豐富現今所強調的人性化護理。
“Caring” has always been considered a natural and integral aspect of nursing. It is the core and essence of nursing. The human caring theory developed by Watson in the late 1970s (1975~1979) is a grand theory embracing ten carative factors. Swanson proposed her caring theory, a middle range theory that embraces five caring processes, in 1991. Although both Watson and Swanson have indicated that integration of their two theories may increase overall reliability, we must better understand their mutual similarities and differences in order to achieve an application suited to global circumstances. The purpose of this article was to compare and analyze the two caring theories. This article describes the basics of the two theories, discusses articles related to both in the literature and then describes current domestic and international applications. This article is intended to help health professionals better understand the underlying purpose of “caring” and to provide guidelines and points of reference for caring behaviors. It is hoped that such may also enhance caring behavior in practice and core nursing competencies as well as enrich the humanistic aspect of nursing, a profession that increasingly regimented by standard procedures and the requirements of technology.
起訖頁 86-92
關鍵詞 Watson人性化關懷照護理論Swanson關懷照護理論Watson’s human caring theorySwanson’s caring theory.
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201006 (57:3期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 成都市某醫學中心周邊置入中心靜脈導管合併症的現況及其相關護理
該期刊-下一篇 抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌與防治策略




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