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食品藥物研究年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Result Analysis for Regional Integrated Laboratory Testing System of Local Health Bureaus from 2013 to 2015
作者 陳秀怡余明雯邱雅琦呂在綸林雪如闕麗卿李明鑫
為持續提升地方政府衛生局檢驗量能與品質,食品藥物管理署(以下簡稱食藥署)於104年建立「全國衛生局聯合分工檢驗體系」,並於102 - 104年計補助20縣市衛生局,增加37項專責檢驗項目,以提高「食品衛生檢驗中央地方分工項目表」地方可自行檢驗項目達80%。為提升地方政府衛生局檢驗品質,辦理其檢驗室之能力試驗,並推動專責檢驗項目通過實驗室認證。至104年止,全國22個衛生局共計有698品項通過食藥署實驗室認證。由於,本檢驗體系之建置與推動,不僅地方檢驗人力充實、提昇檢驗效率、降低設備需求,而且提高檢驗項目,包括農藥殘留由原檢測10 - 40項增至311項;而動物用藥殘留原檢測6項則增至122項;落實過去無法檢驗之重金屬、食品(中藥)中摻加西藥成分、3-單氯丙二醇、二甲基黃及二乙基黃等檢驗項目。未來,將持續執行區域聯合分工檢驗成果分析並適時修正檢討,作為施政改善之依據,以逐年提高「食品衛生檢驗中央地方分工項目表」地方可自行檢驗項目達100%,並推動專責檢驗項目全數通過實驗室認證。
In order to continue reinforce the testing capacity and quality of local health bureau laboratories. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) established the "Regional Integrated Laboratory Testing Systems of Health Bureaus Nationwide" in 2015, and subsidized 20 local health bureaus to add 37 specific test items from 2013 to 2015. The capability of self-test items increased to 80% of the "Central- Local Division of Food Hygiene Testing List". In order to strengthen testing quality of local health bureau laboratories, TFDA conducted proficiency tests for the laboratories and promoted qualified laboratories for accreditation on specific test items. Till 2015, 698 test items of 22 health bureau laboratories had been accredited by TFDA. The laboratory testing system promoted the sharing of manpower, improved testing efficiency and reduced equipment costs, while increasing testing items, including the number of pesticide residues can be detected increased from 10 - 40 to 311, the number of veterinary drug residues can be detected increased from 6 to 122, the implementation of testing heavy metals, adulterants in Chinese medicine and foods, 3-monochloro-1, 2-propanodiol, dimethyl yellow and diethyl yellow which could not be tested in the past. TFDA in the future will continue the implementation of timely reviews as the basis for policy improvement to increase capability of self-test items of these laboratories up to 100% of "Central-Local Division of Food Hygiene Testing List", and to promote qualified laboratories for accreditation on specific test items.
起訖頁 227-234
關鍵詞 區域聯合分工檢驗體系實驗室認證regional integrated laboratory testing systemlaboratory accreditation
刊名 食品藥物研究年報  
期數 201612 (7期)
出版單位 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
該期刊-上一篇 推動大學院校參與食品檢驗認證
該期刊-下一篇 食品中不明微生物之國際能力試驗評鑑成果




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