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Exploring the Life Events Self-Efficacy of Schizophrenic Outpatients
作者 余靜雲鍾信心
本研究主要是探討門診精神分裂症患者生活事件之自我效能,及其與個人因素、疾病因素、生活壓力事件之相關。訪談135位個案以完成個人基本資料、精神症狀評估量表、生活壓力事件量表及自我效能量表。研究結果發現門診精神分裂症患者:(1)生活事件自我效能標準化得分69.41分,以「社交技巧」的自我效能得分較低。(2)有宗教信仰者其自我效能較高。(3)生活壓力事件壓力感受愈大,其生活事件自我效能愈差。(4)精神症狀愈嚴重者,生活事件自我效能愈差。(5)負性症狀、活性症狀、生活壓力事件及宗教信仰可以解釋生活事件自我效能之總變異量達 45.7%,其中以負性症狀之預測力最佳,可以解釋35.4%變異量。根據研究結果,建議護理人員將「自我效能」此概念運用於照顧患者,並能進一步設計發展有效之治療方案,以提升其面對生活事件之自我效能。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the life events self-efficacy of schizophrenic outpatients and the relationships between personal demographic data, psychotic symptoms, stressful life events and self-efficacy. 135 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia were assessed with personal demographic data, a psychotic symptoms scale, a stressful life events scale and a self-efficacy scale. We found a standardized score for life events self-efficacy of 69.41; the lowest score was for social skills self-efficacy. Patients who believed in religion showed higher life events self-efficacy. Life events self-efficacy was inversely related to stress of life events and to psychotic symptoms. The predictors of self-efficacy were negative symptoms, stress of life events, positive symptoms, and religion, which together accounted for 45.7% of variance. Among these predictors, negative symptoms were the strongest predictors, and accounted for 35.4% of variance. Based on these findings, we suggest that nursing personnel should utilize the concept of self-efficacy in caring for schizophrenic patients and develop more effective therapy designed to promote life events self-efficacy.
起訖頁 45-51
關鍵詞 門診精神分裂症患者生活事件自我效能精神症狀生活壓力事件schizophrenic outpatientslife events self-efficacypsychotic symptomsstressful life events
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 200402 (51:1期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 產婦接受母嬰同室護理的生活經驗
該期刊-下一篇 學齡前期兒童看診害怕行為之改善方案




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