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Comments on the Cataloguing and Criticism of False Biographies in the Siku Quanshu
作者 鍾志偉
Han Yu's 韓愈 "Biography of Mao Ying" 毛穎傳established a tradition of false biography writing. Such works were catalogued alongside those of fiction writers in the Philosopher's Division 子部of the Siku quanshu 四庫全書, and were fiercely criticized, creating a conflict between this writing tradition and the established academic culture that bears closer examination. This paper first seeks to define this genre and understand its historical development. It then explores the formation of this form, from its literary inspirations and influences to a style of writing combining humor and narrative. Thirdly, this study investigates the cataloguing and criticism of this genre in the Siku quanshu, which will help situate false biographies within traditional fiction. Finally, this paper offers some comments on the Siku Quanshu officials' criticism of false biographies. Though their assessment is somewhat harsh, it nevertheless contributes something valuable and insightful. This research analyzes the writing, scope, cataloguing, criticism, and contentious style-related problems of traditional Chinese fiction from the perspective of traditional bibliography.
起訖頁 259-292
關鍵詞 假傳體四庫全書毛穎傳廣諧史諧隱false biographySiku quanshuBiography of Mao YingGuang xieshihumor and narrative
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201412 (32:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 得其深遠宕逸之神--沈德潛《唐詩別裁集》李白詩歌選評研究
該期刊-下一篇 民國時期廣州市正一派火居道士營業道館分布的空間分析--廟宇、人口與道教儀式




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