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The Warring States Manuscript 'Cheng Zhi Wen Zhi' and a Problematic Passage in the Book of Documents
作者 黃冠雲
本文討論的對象是《尚書》〈君奭〉的一句聚訟紛紜的話:「惟冒丕單稱德」。過去學者對此句話的解釋提出了許多不同的意見;或以為「冒」應讀作「低目視」義之「目冒」,或謂應讀作「勤勉」義之「懋」。考察新近出土的戰國寫本〈成之聞之〉、《荀子》〈富國〉以及《說文解字》等文獻,本文指出王引之讀「冒」字為「懋」的說法有目前最早證據的支持。這不僅可以幫助修訂高本漢(Bernhard Karlgren)對〈君奭〉通篇的翻譯與理解,更重要的是同時揭示一個根據於《尚書》和其他相關文字的共同詮釋傳統,這是未來學者在進行文字考釋一項工作時,所不應忽略的一個重要層面。
This study concerns the Shangshu (Book of Documents) text ”Jun Shi” and a controversial sentence from that text: ”[King Wu] looked at them and grandly and entirely set forth their virtues.” Scholars disagree about the meaning of the sentence, particularly the character, which some read as mao ”to look down” (tentatively accepted for the translation above), while others read as mao ”to strive for.” Using quotations of the Shangshu in the newly excavated Warring States manuscript ”Cheng zhi wen zhi”, the ”Fuguo” of the Xunzi, and the Shuowen jiezi, this study shows that the reading of mao ”to strive for” is supported by the earliest evidence. This helps us to not only considerably revise Bernhard Karlgren's authoritative translation and overall interpretation of the ”Jun Shi,” but also to uncover additional evidence from the Shangshu that reveals a more general context for understanding the ”Jun Shi” passage
起訖頁 227-250
關鍵詞 出土文獻成之聞之尚書荀子說文解字用字習慣excavated texts'Cheng zhi wen zhi'Book of DocumentsXunziShuowen jieziwriting practices
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201306 (31:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 他鄉遙記--秦家懿的鄉愁書寫與儒家基督徒的離散
該期刊-下一篇 九州生氣恃風雷--天理教事件消息的傳播與士人議政風潮的興起




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