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Leadership Stuggles over Epidemic Preventive in Harbin, 1910-1911
作者 杜麗紅
In November 1910 when the bubonic plague appeared in Harbin, the Russian and Chinese local authorities agreed to fight the epidemic together. Before long, however, their cooperation was broken due to different perspectives on the epidemic. The Russians tried to intervene in epidemic prevention in the Chinese district of Daowai. The Chinese local government and elites completely refused Russia's demands. After negotiations, Russians and Chinese decided to isolate Daoli, the Russian district from Daowai. When the epidemic continued to spread rapidly and the situation worsened, the Qing dynasty faced ever-greater diplomatic pressure, which forced the Foreign Ministry to send Wu Lien-Teh and other Western-educated doctors to Harbin to supervise epidemic prevention. At first, they were treated as outsiders by local officials and elites. Under the pressure of the foreign missions, the medical directive powers of the doctors had been recognized by the local officials in the Manchurian regions through long negotiations with the Foreign Ministry, while the local government in Harbin still presided over diplomatic affairs. Thereafter, the Western Epidemic Preventive Policy set down by Wu was strongly supported by the central and local governments, so that plague prevention policies were carried out smoothly. ln sum, the dispute over the leadership of epidemic preventive in Harbin was a complicated process beset by numerous tensions. lt cannot be simply summarized as a struggle over sovereignty, nor as the contradiction between traditional Chinese and Western medicine, nor yet as the result of diplomatic pressure.
起訖頁 87-124
關鍵詞 哈爾濱防疫領導權伍連德中俄交涉Harbinepidemic preventive leadershipWu Lien-TehSino-Russian diplomay
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201212 (78期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 十八世紀徽商典鋪的經營管理與典當制度──以休寧茗洲吳氏典鋪為中心
該期刊-下一篇 敵人或盟友:省港罷工的商人因素與政黨策略




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