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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Starting Point of Modern China-Japan Relations: The Temporary Protocol Negotiations of 1870
作者 李啟彰
This article discusses the Japanese government's dispatch of Yanagiwara Sakimitsu to negotiate a ”temporary protocol” with China. Since the new Meiji government was afraid of Western countries interfering in Japan's China diplomacy, it was decided to dispense with the international etiquette of the time and not use a Western country in the role of mediator. Instead, Japan chose to directly contact China by sending the Yanagiwara mission. Before the Yanagiwara mission was sent to China, Yanagiwara and the Japanese authorities prepared three goals, including the conclusion of ”a temporary protocol” with China. While negotiating with the Qing government, the Japanese mission made some intriguing suggestions, including a ”Japan-China Alliance,” in order to secure the other party's agreement and achieve a protocol. Meanwhile, China was divided between competing diplomatic policies toward Japan. The Zongli Yamen was skeptical of Japan's suggestions, but Li Hongzhang welcomed Yanagiwara's idea of a Japan-China Alliance. Since the Zongli Yamen took the lead in the negotiations, Li's opinion was not adopted. The Zongli Yamen (which sought trade relations) and the Japanese mission (which wanted a temporary protocol) misunderstood their opposite party's intentions, and the negotiations came to a standstill. Eventually, with Chenglin's persuasion, Yanagiwara deferred conclusion of a treaty and agreed to accept a memorandum that the two countries would conclude a treaty in the future. When the two countries later negotiated a formal treaty, Li Hongzhang's position was accepted as the basis for China's Japan policies. However, at that time Japan had already changed its friendship policy toward China. As a result, their diplomatic policies collided during the treaty negotiation. This article demonstrates that the diplomatic collision of the two countries can be traced back to the negotiations of 1870.
起訖頁 55-101
關鍵詞 近代中日關係柳原前光總署總理衙門李鴻章日清聯合論Modern China-Japan RelationsYanagiwara SakimitsuZongli YamenLi HongzhangJapan-China Alliance
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201106 (72期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從宗教場所到廟會中心──清代北京藏傳佛寺的演變及其與喀爾喀蒙古王公朝覲貿易的互動
該期刊-下一篇 社會資本與近代企業生存──以北伐時期山東中興煤礦為中心的考察




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