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Developing an Evaluation Mechanism and Application Software for Assessing the Safety of Labor Behavior in the Construction Industry
作者 林楨中鄭慶武羅紫萍陳冠華黃浲誠
每一意外事故發生主要肇因於勞工不安全行為所致。依據國際上推動勞工行為安全(Behaviour-Based Safety, BBS)經驗,基於行為是可以透過觀察、評估、處置及改進來提升其安全認知。因此,本研究透過手持式裝置之APP系統開發,提供管理者就勞工作業行為進行觀察,其觀察結果再經由後台統計其趨勢分佈後,提供管理者導入安全策略之參考,並透過下一次觀察結果以了解勞工安全行為表現率等。研究發現,因作業環境不良所引發勞工不安全行為表現約佔70%,因勞工個人作業慣性之不安全行為約85%。其中又以模板工、鋼筋工、鷹架工及泥作工等於高處作業未有安全防護,發生墜落與穿刺危害最大。影響勞工不安全行為的因素許多,如外部因素:受限完工期壓力,低價承攬,勞工只能以個人最方便、具效率方式進行作業。其中亦常出現攀/爬/跨/坐立於不同平面或高處之危害行為等;內部因素:作業中飲用酒精性飲料,安全帽頤帶未扣,輕忽作業環境中被撞、穿刺及感電等危害狀況等。BBS為現階段國際推動安全管理工作之重點,透過蹲點進行觀察、溝通、矯正,以正向激勵,內化勞工安全行為表現,配合原有安全衛生管理制度推動,以有效降低職災發生率。結合APP系統開發及後台平台所設計之勞工行為資訊彙整分析,可提供管理者適時導入安全管理策略之參考。
Work-related accidents typically result from unsafe behaviors of the workers. In many countries, the agenda of workers’ safety follows the Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) Approach, which emphasizes on promoting safety awareness through the observation, evaluation, intervention, and improvement of workers’ behavior. Following the BBS Approach, this study develops an Application (APP) for handheld devices that enables construction-firm managers to observe workers’ behavior on-site. This APP records and analyzes back-end data to generate a distribution chart of workers’ behavior. The statistical results obtained from the APP can serve as a reference for managers in implementing safety strategies. In addition, on the basis of subsequent observation results, managers could also determine the safety behavior performance of workers obtained after the implementation of the aforementioned safety strategies. The results indicated that the performance of unsafe behaviors of workers had a significant relationship with the management capacity of construction firms. 70% of unsafe behaviors of workers were resulted from a poor work environment, whereas 85% of unsafe behaviors were responsible for personal work habits. Furthermore, there are internal and external factors contributing to the performance of unsafe behaviors of workers: (1) External factors such as time limits and low-priced contracts impel workers to choose convenient, efficient, but at-risk practices at work (e.g., climbing, straddling, or sitting on uneven surfaces and at heights); and (2) the internal factors are related to alcohol consumption at work, wearing unbuckled helmets, and carelessness over hazardous conditions in the work environment, such as struck by, punctures, and electric shocks. Currently, BBS has been highlighted by the international society in promoting safety management. This study Applied BBS to develop an APP that operated on a handheld device at the front end and analyzed worker behavior statistics at the back end to yield data for the implementation of safety management strategies. In addition, to maximize the Application value of this BBS-based APP safety module, future application of this module in the construction industry and related labor unions can be combined with the knowledge platforms that share occupational accident-related safety information in the industry.
起訖頁 433-449
關鍵詞 營造業勞工行為安全職災事故安全觀察智慧型裝置Construction industryBehavior-Based SafetyOccupational accidentSafety observationSmart handheld devices
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201612 (24:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 公益通報法制之研究-以受僱者權益保障為中心




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