中文摘要 |
酒精製程中之槽車酒精裝卸作業、調和室收酒精作業及酒精調和作業等,其主要危害類型有火災、火災爆炸、酒精洩漏、墜落及感電等,其中以火災爆炸最嚴重,很多工業事故是由不適當之危害辨識和評估造成的。本研究以南部某酒廠的酒精製造工場為研究對象,利用工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA)分別探討酒精製程中,槽車酒精裝卸作業、調和室收酒精作業及調和作業潛在的各項作業危害,執行危害類型辨識並據以建置安全作業標準(Safety Operation Procedure, SOP),供事業單位參考使用。以槽車酒精裝卸作業為例說明研究結果,顯示應用JSA對酒精儲槽區裝卸及調和作業製程實施危害辨識,可辨識出110項危害,11種危害類型。主要危害類型有:酒精洩漏(33.6%)、火災(35.5%)和火災及爆炸(6.4%),三項合計75.5%。上述危害之風險評估結果為:高度風險有13件(11.8%)、中高度風險33件(30.0%)、中度風險36件(32.7%)及低度風險28件(25.5%),中、高度風險明顯偏高,高度風險中又以調和室酒精調和作業有6件,所佔比例最高,應優先分配資源發展控制措施以降低其風險等級,避免重大災害發生。 |
英文摘要 |
All loading and unloading operations of alcohol tank car, operations of receiving alcohol in blending room, and alcohol blending operations in alcohol manufacturing process have high potential hazards including fire, explosion, leakage of alcohol, fall, electrification, and etc. Among these, fire and explosion are the most severe. Many industrial accidents were caused by inappropriate hazard identification and assessment. In this study, an alcohol manufacturing plant in southern Taiwan was taken as a case study. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) was used to identify potential hazards in alcohol manufacturing process (loading and unloading operations of alcohol tank car, operations of receiving alcohol in blending room, and alcohol blending operations). The results obtained then were used for risk ranking which will be used to establish the safety operation procedure (SOP). The process of Tanker loading and unloading operations in alcohol has been taken as an example to illustrate the results. The hazards identified in loading and unloading operations of storage tank areas and blending operations with JSA show that there are 110 hazards identified which can be classified as 11 types of hazards. The main hazard types of above include alcohol leakage (33.6%), fire (35.5%), and fires and explosions (6.4%), the three in total amount to 75.5%. The results of risk assessment of the above hazards show that there are 13 high level risk (11.8%), 33 moderate high risk of (30.0%), 36 moderate risk (32.7%), and 28 low risk (25.5%). Blending room operations shows six high level risks and should be given priority to be controlled in order to avoid a major disaster. |