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Using Augmented Reality to Build an Instructional System for First-aid Supplies
作者 蔡銘宏潘愷林佩芬江蔚文
Because of the recent rapid advances in information technology, computer ownership is common. In addition, the process of accessing interactive multimedia content using computers has been integrated into daily life, prompting the development of various interactive multimedia teaching materials. Compared to traditional paper-based teaching models, teaching using interactive multimedia offers greater enjoyment and diverse methods for presenting teaching materials. People's understanding of medical supply use is typically insufficient, and they tend to disregard paper-based user manuals because of the unappealing presentation, resulting in incorrect use of medical supplies. Therefore, this study developed a set of interactive multimedia teaching materials using Ausubel's learning theory. Five common household first-aid supplies were adopted as examples, and an instructional system for medical supply use was established by employing augmented reality (AR) technology. One group of participants used the proposed system to acquire medical supply knowledge, and the other group employed paper-based user manuals. Subsequently, a quiz and a satisfaction survey were administered to examine the differences in learning effectiveness and satisfaction between the groups. The results showed that the quiz scores and satisfaction levels achieved by the AR group were significantly higher than those of the paper-based manual group, indicating that AR technology is suitable for developing medical supply teaching materials and enhances learning effectiveness and satisfaction. The proposed method of combining Ausubel's learning theory and AR technology can be extended to teaching in other fields and tutorials on a wide range of commercial products, thereby attracting additional customers. Thus, this method is worthy of promotion.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 擴增實境Ausubel教學理論互動教學系統衛生教育自助診療衛材Augmented RealityAusubel's Learning TheoryInteractive Instruction SystemHealth EducationFirst-aid Supplies
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 201306 (22:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 行動護理站使用情形及滿意度之調查




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