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Laughter, Smiling and Their Pragmatic/Interpersonal Functions: An Interactional Linguistic Account
作者 陳力綺
本文藉由分析495 分鐘的電視綜藝節目影音檔案,旨從互動式語言學的角度探討出聲笑和微笑的語用人際互動功能。前人研究(VanHooff 1972, Kendon 1975, Ekman & Friesen 1982, Glenn 2003, Holt 2011,Bavelas, Gerwing & Healing 2014, Warner-Garcia 2014)已指出出聲笑和微笑不只是情緒的表現,或對外來刺激的潛意識反應。本文更進一步觀察到以下幾點:一、出聲笑可以用來對他人幽默話語或戲弄表示賞識;二、說話者話語結束時的出聲笑可以提醒聽話者其所說話語是值得發笑的,藉此邀請聽話者加入笑聲行列;三、笑聲可以是仿造的,可藉由模仿自然笑聲而產生,常用來表示不同意;四、微笑可以用來禮貌性拒絕他人的幽默話語及戲弄;五、聽話者的微笑可以用來做非言語的嘲諷,其嘲諷本質來自於聽話者雖壓抑著嘲笑說話者的衝動,卻同時用一種以退為進的方式攻擊;六、微笑可以用來表示鄙視,此類型微笑是藉由一邊嘴角上揚的方式形成,微笑者也會故意上下端看被鄙視的人,並搭配使用不同形式的言語攻擊及手勢。
Based on 495 minutes of audio- and video-recorded data from television variety shows, this paper intends to illustrate and discuss the pragmatic/interpersonal functions of laughter and smiling from an interactional linguistic perspective. Laughter and smiling are not only expressions of emotion or subconscious responses to stimuli (Van Hooff 1972, Kendon 1975, Ekman & Friesen 1982, Glenn 2003, Holt 2011, Bavelas, Gerwing & Healing 2014, Warner-Garcia 2014). While laughter can show appreciation of another one's humor/teasing, it can also be used as a prompt, indicating that the utterance is laughable, thereby inviting others to join in. Laughter can also be faked, produced by imitating the sound of natural laughter that displays pleasure and happiness. This type of laughter is often used for showing disagreement. Smiling, on the other hand, can be used to politely reject another one's humor/teasing. It can also be used to mark non-verbal sarcasm. Its sarcastic nature results from the listener's attempt at suppressing the desire to mock the current speaker while at the same time showing it in a passive-aggressive manner. Finally, smiling can also be used to show contempt. This type of smiling is produced by slightly raising one corner of the mouth and is characterized by looking somebody up and down, accompanied by different forms of verbal aggression and hand gestures.
起訖頁 135-168
關鍵詞 會話分析互動式語言學出聲笑多元模式言談分析微笑conversation analysisinteractional linguisticslaughtermultimodal discourse analysissmiling
刊名 同心圓:語言學研究  
期數 201611 (42:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 大學生學習英文之反思性敘事與道德觀點




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