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Moral Stances in Undergraduates' Reflective Narratives on English Learning
作者 蕭季樺
本研究探討在台灣就讀之三位大學生在一對一面談時間與老師討論學習英文困境的反思性敘事。本研究著重甚少被注意的敘事情境:學生如何透過反思性敘事講述英文學習困難。本篇文章的研究問題為:第一,學生在講述自我學習困境時如何呈現道德觀點?第二,學生如何在與老師討論的過程中確立或修改道德觀點?本文採用Ochs& Capps 的敘事理論(2001)為分析架構,研究結果顯示,道德觀點和參與投入程度兩者互相影響的程度最大,當老師對敘事的參與投入程度愈高,學生的道德觀點愈可能受老師影響而改變。此外,學生自省地闡述學習困境本身即是一種道德觀點,因為他們的敘事呈現了對困境的坦白分析和解決問題的決心。
This study analyzes reflective narratives produced by three undergraduates in a college setting of student-professor office hour discussions in Taiwan. This study explores the following two questions to investigate how the students problematize their English learning experiences and position themselves as morally upright or less so with respect to their responsibility for learning. First, when the students delineate their learning problems, how do they portray themselves in accordance with the general rule around moral stances, the "looking good" principle (Ochs & Capps 2001), to present themselves as moral agents? Second, how are the students' moral stances (dis)established during the narrating process? I suggest that these students' stances are related to the other narrative dimensions, especially that of tellership (Ochs & Capps 2001), by which the professor contributes sense-making fragments to the students' learning and self-evaluations. The higher the teacher's involvement in co-telling is, the more fluid the students' moral stances can be. Moreover, I propose that when students attempt to explain why they do not consider themselves as good English learners, they perform a moral act. Such a moral act resides in the students' honest analysis of their problems and their determination to solve them.
起訖頁 99-133
關鍵詞 英文學習互動道德觀點反思性敘事參與投入程度English learninginteractionmoral stancesreflective narrativestellership
刊名 同心圓:語言學研究  
期數 201611 (42:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 從意願到義務:經主觀化的涉力變化
該期刊-下一篇 出聲笑、微笑及其語用人際互動功能:一個互動式語言學分析




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