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A Study on Social Capital of Indigenous Peoples
作者 莊俐昕
This empirical study aims to explore the profile of social capital of indigenous peoples as well as the factors influencing social capital, in particular the factors of individual traits and family status. The main survey instrument is the Social Capital Scale established by a team that the researcher has been devoted to. The social capital is divided into 3 types, including bonding, bridging and linking. Each type includes 3 elements which are trust, network and norm. The target population is the collection of indigenous peoples aged over 20. 790 successful samples, introduced by 55 indigenous family service centers, were collected and the data were put into analysis. The results show that social capital of indigenous peoples is rich. Besides, there are significantly positive correlations between types and elements of social capital. Variables that influence the stock of social capital include gender, education, economic condition, residential distract and geographical location, while geographical location makes the most significant contribution. According to the findings of the study and based on a social capital perspective, five suggestions related to improving life opportunities and social well-beings of social capital of indigenous people are proposed.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 結合型社會資本橋接型社會資本連結型社會資本社會排除社會福祉bonding social capitalbridging social capitallinking social capitalsocial exclusionsocial well-being
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201706 (21:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-下一篇 災難復原力保護因子量表之建構與發展研究




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