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A Study on Exploring What We Should Cultivate the Core Competencies of Pre-service Teachers from the Field of Contemporary Education in Taiwan
作者 施宜煌
本文藉由閱讀分析相關文獻的方法,從臺灣當前中小學教育場景探思師資培育應培養師資生哪些核心能力?如此方能促使中小學教師的核心能力符應社會變遷的脈動,培育與時俱進的優秀師資。探思之後,本文探析出臺灣當前師資培育應該培養師資生的核心能力為:(1)實踐教育愛的能力;(2)發展良好師生關係的能力;(3)實施品格教育的能力;(4)輔導學生情緒抒發的能力;(5)實施適性教育的能力;(6)應用教育科技的能力;(7)親師溝通的能力;(8)進行補救教學的能力;(9) 團隊合作的能力。本文企盼以上述探思為基礎,俾益臺灣當前師資培育的發展,進而培育優質的中小學教師。
By reading and analyzing related studies, this study aims to explore what we should cultivate the core competencies of pre-service teachers from the field of contemporary education in Taiwan. In this way, teachers can promote their core competencies to cope with social change, and keep up with the times. Further, after exploring, this study found the core competencies of pre-service teachers are as follows: (1) the ability to practice educational love, (2) the ability to develop a good teacher-student relationship, (3) the ability to practice character education, (4) the ability to counsel students to express emotions, (5) the ability to practice adaptive education, (6) the ability to use instructional technology, (7) the ability of parent-teacher communication, (8) remedial instruction ability, and (9) team work ability. Based on the exploration, this study hopes to benefit the development of Taiwan's current teacher education system, and cultivate excellent primary and high school teachers.
起訖頁 73-87
關鍵詞 核心能力師資生師資培育core competencepre-service teacherteacher education
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201706 (26期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 黑蒜頭水萃物對B-HP誘導大鼠肝臟氧化破壞之保護作用
該期刊-下一篇 洛神花之生物活性以及調節血脂作用之系統性文獻回顧




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