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Taiwan's Death Penalty in the Local-Global Dynamics
作者 李佳玟
People generally believe that the death penalty in Taiwan has been supported by traditional retributive culture, and the public support is the main reason why this penal institution cannot be abolished. This paper intends to rebut this conventional wisdom. It shows that in the past sixty to seventy years, this penal institution been much more affected by politics. In addition to public opinions, the death penalty in Taiwan has been shaped by the interplay of regime types, international politics, pattern of transitional politics and incumbent's inclinations. While it is true that politics has played a dominant role, actions of human rights activists still managed to redefine what politics is, and thus helped the local abolitionist movement to achieve an impressive progress within a short period of time. But the intensive cooperation between global and local anti-death penalty activists since the beginning has also made the anti-death penalty movement western and alien to the Taiwanese society, which unfortunately resulted in vehement backlashes in recent years. This paper urges both supporters and opponents of the death penalty to re-evaluate this peculiar penal institution from its historical realities.
起訖頁 5-56
關鍵詞 死刑廢死運動民意國際政治政治轉型Death PenaltyAnti-Death Penalty MovementPublic OpinionsInternational PoliticsPolitical Transition
刊名 思與言  
期數 201606 (54:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「臺灣民主」專號導言
該期刊-下一篇 說真話與民主,傅柯的最後一課




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